Our sense of self rests upon a multilayered morphology that evolved from a single-celled organism into a potentially multi-planetary species. Each more complex evolutionary layer rests upon and is supported by an underlying more ancient...
When I started doing bodywork it didn’t take long before I began to realize that there was a significant correlation between how my clients sit, stand, and move and their complaints. Early in my practice, educating clients on stance and...
Although I have always maintained some form of conceptual understanding of stance and gait dynamics going back to my original training over 40 years ago, this understanding did not engender an experience of integration and holism in my...
Urban children grow up in engineered surroundings established on a constrained mathematical framework. This framework is limited by the pliability of the materials used, the energy budget, regulations, and other factors. It is now widely...
The term: Structure/Function is a core “thinking tool” of physiology and is extensively relied upon in this blog. An example is our “Startle Reflex”: during activation, the structure freezes providing the function of immobility, making it more...
Exaptation is a fascinating concept in evolutionary biology, referring to the process by which a trait originally developed for one purpose is co-opted for a new use. The term was introduced by paleontologists Stephen Jay Gould and Elizabeth...
Throughout most of the 20th century, Osteopaths and their progeny (Chiropractors, Applied Kinesiologists, etc.) exerted significant effort placing a moat around their knowledge, permitting entry only to the initiated. The last 3rd of that...
A design constraint of animals is that they are inherently unstable in the direction they want to move in, and stable in all other vectors. Overcoming stability in the direction they want to go instigates movement, and having expended energy...
A paper cross-linking evolution, morphology, and Manual Therapy
Article discussing Masgutova Neuromotor Reflex Integration applied in a school setting.