Personal Experience

Although I have always maintained some form of conceptual understanding of stance and gait dynamics going back to my original training over 40 years ago, this understanding did not engender an experience of integration and holism in my...

Towards a comprehensive definition of the...

Carla Stecco, Rebecca Pratt, Laurice D. Nemetz, Robert Schleip, Antonio Stecco, Neil D. Theise Abstract The absence of a clear consensus on the definition and significance of fascia and the indiscriminate use of the...

Defining Stress and Strain for Connective...

Introduction Optimizing connective tissue is crucial for maintaining structural integrity and facilitating efficient movement in the human body. This optimization is deeply rooted in the principles of tensegrity, where the balance between...

Axial vs. Shear Loads in Tensegrity...

Introduction Understanding how structures respond to different types of loads, such as axial and shear forces, can provide valuable insights into the biomechanics of movement and stability. In the context of stance and gait mechanics...

Froude Number In Animal Locomotion

Animal locomotion is a fascinating field that explores how animals move efficiently across different environments and scales. One key tool in this analysis is the Froude number, a dimensionless quantity that relates inertial forces to...

Vagus Skool

Vagus Skool is all about helping people easily discover in a clear and easy way, a straight to the point method of stimulating and healing their Vagus Nerve system. We have seen some of the most incredible transformations from vagus nerve...

Instructions for Use

Positioning the Device: The picture is taken from the side under the neck – the tips of the “V” point towards the ears and the bottom towards the back. This graphic indicates an optimal contact point. Locate a spot between the...

Why eating less slows ageing: this molecule...

A naturally occurring compound involved in digestion lengthens lifespan in flies and makes old mice more youthful. Why eating less slows aging: this molecule is key Lithocholic acid, also known as 3α-hydroxy-5β-cholan-24-oic...

Jaw Pain

These videos discuss causes and exercises for relieving jaw pain. The graphical representations and explanations are very good and align with my experience. Dr. Joe Damiani is doing excellent work as an educator. DR JOE DAMIANI These videos are...

The Relationship Between Tensegrity Node...

Connective tissues in the human body are dynamic, continuously adapting to mechanical forces. A particularly intriguing aspect of this adaptability is how the connective tissue’s microstructure—specifically the density of nodes within the...