Instructions for Use

Positioning the Device:

The picture is taken from the side under the neck – the tips of the “V” point towards the ears and the bottom towards the back.

This graphic indicates an optimal contact point.

Locate a spot between the skull bones and the soft tissue. It can feel like you are balancing the skull on top of a pivot. 

Using the Device:

Once you get it in position, you want to scoot your hips down so that the neck is in tension – the tool is passively pulling your head upward. You should quickly feel that the tension has disappeared, then scoot your hips down further to put the device back into tension with the head. I can easily get more than an inch of extension of my body (my feet hang further off of the end of the table) doing this for 10-15 minutes, scooting my hips further down every 30 seconds or so. I have never encountered another posture improvement tool that creates immediate results like this.

Most importantly, this puts the Atlanto-Occipital junction into tension, creating space where CN  X (the Vagus Nerve) emerges from the skull. After using this device for some time, I began to feel the separation of these 2 bones and realized that they had been jammed, perhaps for the last 60 years. I can also get “pops” anywhere on the spine, in my Sacroiliac joints and even at the Sternum.

Also, feel free to experiment. This is a research project, and although I have distributed it to a few clients, I have had minimal feedback on its use. I believe that it is safe to use as I have fallen asleep on it a few times, and other than waking up disoriented and stretched out, I have not had any problems. If you get into it, I would love to hear anything you have to report.