The world around us is replete with natural sources of electromagnetic radiation, often referred to as electromagnetic fields (EMF). Consider visible light, which serves as a prime example and offers insights into the ubiquity of electromagnetic radiation in our surroundings. Light, along with other forms of electromagnetic radiation, doesn’t just reach us directly—it reflects and scatters throughout our environment. In essence, visible light corresponds to the electromagnetic frequencies emitted by hydrogen and other elements. These particular frequencies, which resonate with the elements constituting our bodies, have enabled us to evolve sensory mechanisms to detect them.
About a century ago, we harnessed electromagnetic radiation to send and receive information. This became feasible once we discovered how to isolate a slender segment of the electromagnetic spectrum and amplify the signal power sufficiently to drown out any ambient interference. These artificial surges in electromagnetic intensity were not markedly dissimilar from natural background radiation, against which our bodies have developed defenses.
However, by the 1990s, a significant shift occurred. The switch from analog to digital signal transmission marked the advent of our current wireless era. Digital waveforms can transmit considerably more data within the same bandwidth than their analog counterparts. They achieve this through several means, all related to the ‘squareness’ of the waveform—the squarer the waveform, the denser the data it can carry, and the more energy is embedded within the waveform. Our insatiable demand for digital services, coupled with the limited bandwidth, has led to increasingly higher-intensity square waveforms in recent years, which escalates the volume of electromagnetic radiation within that bandwidth.
Furthermore, the number of transmission points has soared exponentially. Together, these factors have fundamentally altered our electromagnetic landscape in ways that may pose risks to our health.
Why is DWF radiation of concern?
Achieving a squared waveform necessitates the addition of harmonic energy, specifically the odd harmonics, which essentially means increasing the waveform’s overall energy content. Crafting a sharply angled digital waveform requires substantially more energy than what is needed for traditional analog signals. While our ears are well-adapted to process sine waves, they can struggle with the additional energy packed into a square wave. This can lead to a natural defensive response in our auditory system, sometimes even causing discomfort or pain. Our body tissues encounter similar scenarios with electromagnetic radiation, albeit at significantly higher frequencies and energy levels.
Does EMR influence tissue?
The majority of research to date suggests a lack of definitive connection between electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and health disorders, with these studies primarily focusing on the impact of analog radiation sources, such as those near power lines. However, investigations into digital waveform (DWF) radiation, characteristic of our wireless digital age initiated about fifteen years ago, have yet to yield conclusive results. Consequently, it could be said that we are essentially part of a vast, uncontrolled experiment on the feasibility and safety of a wireless digital society.
Future generations might view our current, unshielded exposure to high-energy digital waveforms with dismay, akin to the evolving perceptions regarding the risks of sunbathing. EMR, including light, is part of the same spectrum; digital waveform radiation, if visible, would appear as intensely bright and glaring light. In such a scenario, our urban environments would be perceived as flooded with these overwhelming sources of light from every direction.
Given that EMR in the visible and X-ray spectrums can cause tissue damage, and that microwaves—operating in the same radio frequency band as cell phones—cook food through EMR, it’s prudent to question the absolute safety of closely related forms of radiation. The assumption that such radiation is completely harmless may warrant closer scrutiny and regulation, particularly considering its widespread utility and profitability.
What We Can Do:
One of the most straightforward and effective strategies to minimize exposure to digital waveform (DWF) radiation is to opt for a wired headset over a wireless Bluetooth one. By connecting a headset directly to your phone, the digital signal is transformed into a low-frequency analog within the device, significantly reducing your radiation exposure compared to holding the phone against your ear. This is crucial because the phone emits radiation in all directions, and the intensity of this radiation diminishes dramatically—roughly to a twelfth at double the distance from the source. Therefore, even a slight increase in the distance between your head and the phone can substantially decrease your radiation exposure.
Moreover, if you’re using a wireless router for a connection that could be wired, consider disabling its wireless functionality. It’s also advisable to reconsider the use of Bluetooth headsets, given their status as relatively untested technologies that some research has linked to health risks, such as brain cancer. If you must carry your cell phone close to your body, like in a bra, it’s safer to switch it to airplane mode or turn it off completely. Generally, reducing the proximity, duration, and frequency of exposure to DWF radiation can be beneficial.
Approaching DWF radiation with the same caution we apply to sun exposure is a useful analogy. While it can be beneficial, it deserves our respect and consideration to mitigate potential risks.
Sources of Digital Wave Form (DWF) Radiation:
Wireless Internet
Cell Phones Bluetooth Headsets
iPods/iPads with wireless or cell functionality
Laptops Some
Cordless Phones
Cell Phone Towers (see my post on cell phone tower disguises)
Broadcast Television Towers (broadcast radio is still mostly analog)
Others? NB: This post was mostly written on a wireless device. 🙂
March 2011 Update – JAMA Paper on Influence of Digital Wave Forms on Cognition
New research finds a relationship between Cell phone use and Glucose uptake in the Temporal lobes. 50-minute exposure to cell phone radiation increased Glucose uptake in the brain regions closest to the ear by 7%. This study does not link disease to cell phone use but finds that the radiation does influence neural function. As stated in the post, disease correlations may have to wait for another 10-20 years.